Transitional home

In October of 2009 two boys left Anna Home. They were 18 years old and they wanted to continue their study at the Technical School in Choibalsan. We wanted to help them with the transition from life as a child in Anna Home to life beyond Anna Home as adults. We bought a piece of land (hashaa), where they would be able to stay for another three years. This is a form of assisted living, available for all children of Anna Home who will become 18 years old. Later we were able to buy a second ger for girls. In the past years many children have lived in the two gers.

After the fire of Anna Home, in May 2019, the boys-ger was moved to the hashaa of the old house.

After finishing the study in the technical school we help them finding a job. Boldsaikhan, the director of Anna Home, will provide the assistance together with Anna Home’s three teachers.



The total costs for the transition home were around € 2.000 in 2023.




