2013 October
New boy
Some time before summer Iderkhuu came to Anna Home. He is the brother of Althankhuu, who has already been with us for a long time. Now they are together again. Iderkhuu will be 8 years in November. Boldsaikhan writes about him:
His mother Altansuwad and his father worked all over Mongolia. They left Iderkhuu behind with his grandfather Tsendsurengee. For four years he took care of him, but in the beginning of this year he brought him to Anna Home and died a few months later. They were very poor: they had not enough to eat, there was no coal or wood for heating, he had just one set of clothes and he never went to school. Now he is with us, eats enough and goes to school.
Law student!
Byambadavaa started in September with his law study. He found a room in Ulaanbaatar, bought books and started. We asked him to write a little about his life. I quote a few things from it:
When I was 9 and my brother 13, our parents died. Suddenly we were orphans and had nowhere to go. We moved in with several families and went to work every day: search garbage for empty bottles and metal. We were often beaten when we found not enough. Usually we found old bread to eat, that was all we had. Winters are very cold in Mongolia and we had to keep warm with the clothes that we found in the streets. And then, five years ago, we could come and live in Anna Home. I had enough to eat! I was not beaten anymore! I did not have to work and could go to school! This year I finished high school and I passed the exam for entering University with very high scores. I always dreamed of studying law. Law will be, I think, very important for the development of Mongolia.
So far for his story, that beautifully describes why Anna Home exists. Our efforts to find a law firm which will sponsor his study for the coming four years was not successful yet. We keep on searching because this needs to succeed.
Summer camp
Although some time ago, now a little story about summer camp. In August everybody moved. Camping in an ordinary tent was
impossible, because this summer had a lot of rain. We slept in gers. We did all kinds of games and competitions , we went fishing and we gave a concert for old people in the neighbourhood.
Anuujin writes about camp “I am 7 years old and this is my second camp. I learned to play volleyball and other sports. It was great fun to sleep in the same ger as our teachers.”
Some news from Boldsaikhan
We now prepare the house for winter. We painted the outside nicely orange and blue and also inside we did some painting.
Some children go to a special class in school, because they cannot keep up with normal lessons. Sometimes they missed out several years. Unfortunately our school stops with special classes forcing us to go to another school that is further away.
We harvested all the vegetables and fruits from our garden. The children all grow fast and should eat well!
Dutch board
The board of the Dutch foundation now has two new members. Eveline de Jong will be treasurer from January 1 on and Aart Sliedrecht has become a member on October 6.
To finish: in January Aart and me will visit Anna Home, in the middle of winter, but hoping for a warm welcome.